BIG Data 24/7/365 Support
Proactive 24/7/365 Support Services for Big Data Solutions
Tap into the knowledge of NAG support experts and achieve more up-time, better performance, faster case resolution, and proactive issue avoidance as well as prevention. Get support for proprietary and open source enterprise solutions from general help-desk to complex deployments around cloud computing, big data + BI, and data warehousing. Technologies include: Google GCP, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Nifi, HDFS, HBASE, Yarn, Pentaho, Fume, Map Reduce, Zookeeper, MongoDB, IBMMQ, Chef, Datameer, Cassandra, ElasticSearch, Nagios, Java, MongoDB, Storm, SAS, and several others..
Big Data support
NAG enterprise customers benefit from top performance across deployments in Hadoop instance, captures insights from ongoing support case exploration, and pairs it with the state-of-the-art from the global community of Apache committers to help customers minimize downstream issues before they even occur.
Our Big Data development services include but not limited to the following:
- Data Warehousing and BI solutions with Hive, MySQL and Pentaho
- Migration from standard Data Warehouse platforms; e.g. from Teradata to Hadoop
- Real-time messaging mechanisms, such as Kafka and Storm
- Custom development of Hadoop, MapReduce, & PIG applications
- NoSQL databases, such as Cassandra, HBase, MongoDB, etc.
- Design & architecture of complex, real-time and batch Big Data solutions
Our Big Data operations support services include:
- Big Data deployment and production support
- Monitoring mechanisms, such as ZooKeeper, RightScale, EC2Organizer, S3Fox, PageDuty, Nagios and Splunk
- AWS, Google, Azure infrastructure and operations support
Machine Learning & AI Advisory Services
NAG helps customers that by effectively addressing capability gaps in machine learning from a technical, process, people, and organizational perspective. By guiding organizations through the planning, feasibility, prototyping, and deployment of real projects, we instill confidence in the technology and the process and the ablity to independently execute future projects.